debriefing room

Strategize Like a Navy SEAL


Why do you matter?

That is one of the fundamental questions we always ask during a client strategy session. Such a big part of strategy is leadership. I was recently gifted Rob Roy’s “The Navy SEAL Art of War,” and after the first few pages, I knew Roy had a lot he could teach me. What better example of agility and mental strength for CEOs and entrepreneurs to emulate than that of the Navy SEALS.

Roy, who was a Navy SEAL for 20 years, created an 80-hour intensive program that puts CEOs through SEAL training to teach them leadership skills. They are taught self-awareness, inner strength and teamwork all while doing push-ups, carrying huge logs, floating in the ocean at night and storming a building.

In his book, Roy shares 57 hard lessons he picked up during his service. Here are a few of my favorites:

  • Character is everything.

  • Dress for success.

  • There is no finish line. You keep pushing and don’t stop.

  • Put team before self.

  • Care about those you lead and lead from ahead.

  • Yesterday is behind you.

  • Be humble and have a servant’s heart.

  • Pain tells you that you are still alive; embrace it.

  • Embrace technology. Don’t run from it.

  • Excellence is a habit.

What I found most applicable professionally was the chapter about ringing the bell. During training SEALS can quit by ringing the bell three times. They are given that choice to either ring the bell and pack their bag or commit 100 percent. I suspect every CEO or entrepreneur can relate to this. I wonder how many of you are thinking about ringing the bell.

If you’d like your own copy of “The Navy SEAL Art of War,” visit